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  1. Course import query  ·  Archived

  2. Siendo Responsable  ·  Closed - Cold Storage

  3. Student data  ·  Archived

  4. Import of data is slow  ·  Archived

  5. Wrong CH2 Data Files  ·  Referred to Helpdesk

  6. Why Academy Success Dashboard no data?  ·  Archived

  7. Keep presentations data up to date  ·  Delivered

  8. Locate a student by his/her data  ·  Delivered

  9. Problem with update institution data  ·  Delivered

  10. Enrollment data should populate from registration table. example, email adress  ·  Closed - Cold Storage

  11. data de término da turma não aparece mais para o aluno ?  ·  Closed - Cold Storage

  12. Where can we contact you? Chat not available. I want to query about a student. and on e-book. Is there ona available for CCNA?  ·  Closed - Cold Storage

  13. Display Student Previous Attempt Data to Instructors  ·  Delivered

  14. schools required data. Cumulative test and quiz results with dates needed to show progress.  ·  Closed - Cold Storage

  15. Lanzar los cursos de CCNA VOIP, CCNA WIRELESS, CCDA y CCNA DATA CENTER como parte de la curricula de Cisco Networking Academy  ·  Archived

  16. I would like the ability to view user login data (dates/times users logged in during the course / length of login sessions / etc.)  ·  Archived

  17. Classes Mobile ready  ·  Archived

  18. Limit student communication to just communicating with the Instructor  ·  Delivered

  19. CCNA1 Chapter 3 test question  ·  Referred to Helpdesk

  20. Moodle - add Activ Quiz plugin  ·  Archived

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