Packet Tracer for cellular devices
Packet Tracer for cellular devices
Any Packet Tracer solution or tools for Smartphone, mobile or cellular devices that can be installed.
Cisco previously had a tool in the Apple Store and Google Play, they are not available. If you have a Packet Tracer solution or platform to use these tools from your cell phone, it would be of great help. The great advances in technology are aimed at mobile devices.
It would be interesting if the Cisco, Netacad or Skillsforall platform could integrate the Packet Tracer tool for students and instructors who have resource limitations, they can navigate and use them from the same platform with any type of electronic devices, this makes the engineering automation has more value over time.
Thank you very much, waiting for your kind response.
Packet Tracer para dispositivos celular
Alguna solución o herramientas de Packet Tracer para dispositivos Smartphone, móviles u celular que se puedan instalar.
Anteriormente Cisco tenía una herramienta en Apple Store y Google Play, no se encuentran disponibles. Si tiene alguna solución de Packet Tracer u plataforma para utilizar estas herramientas desde el celular sería de gran ayuda. Los grandes avances de la tecnología se dirigen a los dispositivos móviles.
Sería interesante que la plataforma de Cisco, Netacad u Skillsforall se le pudiera integrar la herramienta de Packet Tracer para los estudiantes e instructores que tengan limitaciones de recursos, puedan navegar y utilizarlas desde la misma plataforma con cualquier tipo de dispositivos electrónico, esto hace que la automatización de ingeniería tenga más valor en el tiempo.
Muchas gracias, en espera de su amable repuesta.

We greatly appreciate your valuable input and suggestions. Cisco Packet Tracer (as is) is designed and works well on desktop platforms. Inclusion remains at the forefront of our priorities, and we are working to enhance the overall mobile learning experience across all our tools and platforms. While we are still in the process of making these transitions, we are optimistic about the possibilities and look forward to sharing updates with our instructor community in the future.