finding students to enroll
Recently I wanted to look for all students that I could enroll. I tried the
same as I did on the old site. No good. The work around I did was search for the vowels a,e,i,o,u. Depending on the vowel used I got most students. I then opened a trouble ticket to see if there was an easier way. I have pasted the response below. I hope that we can go back to the simple method in past.
"Thank you for contacting the Cisco Networking Academy Support Desk. We appreciate your patience.
The current work around for this, so that you may view and enroll multiple Students is to enter the '@' symbol. Since all Students are required to have an email address which contains '@' you will be able to enter that symbol. Once you enter that symbol you will be able to check the boxes next to the name of the student and click on 'Enroll Selected Students'.
You will also be able to use the 'Share Idea' tool to provide this feedback or any other directly to the Cisco NetSpace Development Team. "
Thanks for the feedback. There are some enhancements to this area that will be coming out in the next couple of months.